Vidict Peer

A peer-to-peer, one-to-many, system to distribute content across devices. Built on WebRTC, Vidict Peer will generate browser-encoded streams, scaling your existing bandwidth capacity by 10x without any additional servers. View more information in our Vidict Peer documentation.

First, what means peer to peer?

In a P2P (peer-to-peer) network, the “peers” are computer systems that are connected to each other via the Internet. Files can be shared directly between systems on the network without the need for a central server. In other words, each computer on a P2P network becomes a file server as well as a client. The only requirements for a computer to join a peer-to-peer network are an Internet connection and P2P software (Vidict Peer).

Finger pointed to virtual P2P network of users

How does Vidict Peer work?

Vidict Peer works alongside a publisher’s origin server and CDN architecture. We use WebRTC to create a peer-to-peer mesh network that helps users load video content from each other.

  • Handling 40 million video sessions per month.
  • Served video in almost every place on Earth.
  • Increase of 60% in video delivery capacity for such clients.
The logo of WebRTC

Does Vidict Peer work on mobile devices?

Yes. Vidict Peer is available on mobile devices also. They can benefit from P2P by downloading from other peers.

Happy customers of Vidict p2p live stream services

How secure is the Vidict Peer service?

Vidict Peer uses the WebRTC data channel to transfer data between users. The data channel is secured using SCTP protocols and TLS encryption. Communication with the Vidict Peer backend is done via secured WebSocket, which also uses TLS encryption.

The security of Vidict Peer explained in details

About Vidict Peer

The dilemma of current video CDN infrastructures is when many users are watching a video, it puts a lot of strain on the whole CDN, compromising the quality of video playback. This is where Vidict Peer comes to rescue, it will help increase the capacity of your current CDN without investing extra in servers and bandwidth. With Vidict Peer enabled, the viewer's device will act as a distribution node, resulting in reduction of bandwidth requirement of existing CDN and increase in CDN capacity.

Vidict Peer is a cost-effective solution for content providers experiencing high loads during peak times. It will also decrease the video latency as the video will be delivered to the user by the nearest peer, instead of a server in another country. You can read more information about Vidict Peer services in our Vidict Peer documentation.

Viewers are an essential part of P2P (peer-to-peer) network which helps offload server traffic. Use the calculator below to see how Vidict Peer makes difference by generating hosting and bandwidth saving.

NOTE: Calculations are made for dedicated servers with 1Gbps port

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